Today, your company’s online marketing strategies can take many forms. You may be asking yourself what is a good internet sales approach and how does it fit within your company’s overall advertisng approach? The answer starts with a clear understanding of what your branding and sales objectives are. At Strategic Media, we have 18 years of experience working with companies both large and small in Tampa, Clearwater, and St. Pete FL and throughout the US in the role of a non-traditional advertising agency. We help businesses define their advertising and marketing goals, then we help them implement a successful internet sales strategy. Strategic Media has always helped business owners think outside the box and adapt quickly to a changing market place. To succeed online, the ability to quickly recognize changing consumer behavior and develop online marketing strategies to meet those changes is critical.
Internet market approaches include all or some of the following:
- Website Design
- Social Media
- Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
- Pay Per Click (PPC)
- Blogging
- Internet News Syndication
- Local Search Maps
- Mobile Media (cell phones)
Website Design

Your website may be the first impression that a consumer has of your company. Consider this strategic media to be a vital element in your online marketing strategies. When was the last time that your website was updated? It is said that you never get a second chance to make a first impression. The latest studies show that 78% of consumers in Tampa, Clearwater, St. Pete, Sarasota, and Orlando research companies and products online before they make a buying decision. The look and feel of your website design should reflect your corporate identity and your unique corporate branding. Each company website design should be built around what the company wants the site to do. For some websites, the consumer simply wants to find the website to retrieve a phone number. In that case, the web design is not as important as the local SEO for Tampa, St. Pete, or Clearwater and getting that site found first and it’s viewing compatibility with a cell phone. Other website designs strive to get the consumer to stay and explore the website as well as filling out a contact form or making a purchase. The company’s objective must be well thought out before the website design process starts.
Social Media – What is Social Media?

Every company thinks that they should be using it as one of their online marketing strategies, but they have no idea how. As a non-traditional advertising company, we understand that not all social media trends are a good fit for your business in Tampa Bay and social media today is continuously changing. The use of social media today can make you money or it can be a huge waste of time and resources. From Facebook to LinkedIn to Twitter, we can help you find which social media trends and which social media platform is right as a strategic media for you and your corporate brand and profitability.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC)
Search engine optimization, local SEO, and pay per click are usually the first place that companies look to start their online marketing strategies. Most businesses that relied heavily on the Yellow Pages in Tampa, Clearwater, St. Pete, or Sarasota in the past must now find a way to have their website found on the web and use it as a new strategic media. What is SEO? Organic SEO is the science of understanding and making technical corrections to an existing website design or creating a SEO website design that conforms to the guidelines and rules that Google and the other search engines use to allow high SEO organic ranking of that website. Yes, SEO and local SEO are a science and although many Internet marketing companies in Tampa, Clearwater, St. Pete along with advertising companies in Tampa Bay, Orlando, Sarasota and elsewhere claim to do SEO, few have the skill and knowledge to do it well. Strategic Media in Clearwater, Florida has the expertise and can show you verifiable results. Local searches with Google Maps are now being linked to organic SEO. Pay per click utilizes the same components of keyword research as SEO, but the website design does not have to be search engine compliant and the highest bidder gets the top position in the sponsor ad section of the search page.
Internet News Syndication
Internet news syndication is important and should be on the list of your company’s online marketing strategies. A business with an internet marketing strategiy utilizing Internet news syndication can take the company’s web presence and corporate identity to a much higher level. This is Internet public relations. Individuals and businesses use the web to gather information about people and companies. The information they find will play a major role in their buying decisions. What do they find when they research your company and you online? If the only thing that they can find is your website and a social media site, that is not enough. Consumers are looking for what else is out there about you. When combined with other internet marketing approaches, Internet news syndication can help improve your corporate branding and convert web searches to sales. This is also the first line of defense in Reputation Management.