Top Ten Reasons Why You Need Good Webdesign

The Yellowpages are dead. Consumers no longer reach for the Yellowpages when they need a product or service. To find companies these days people use their computers, laptops, and now, increasingly, their tablets and mobile phones. You no longer have to spend thousands or tens of thousands of dollars for ad listings. With clean, professional, and optimized webdesign you can reach a much wider audience for a fraction of the cost.

Refuse to Sink in the Rough Seas of Online Marketing

Refuse to Sink, when interpreted symbolically this message can apply to your personal and professional life. It means to hold on, never let anything bring you down, and to never give up. Refusing to sink when things get tough is a quality to admire. Apply this philosophy and determination in everything you do and particularly when it comes to your business and its online presence.

Tampa SEO Company

Many companies fail to understand the importance of search engine optimization. As the number one Tampa SEO company, we understand that the best website is useless if structural, language problems, or non-textual content prohibit people from finding it. Online forms present obstacles for crawlers trying to read content and bad link structures can cause crawlers [...]

2016-10-31T15:37:30-04:00February 22nd, 2013|Categories: SEO|Tags: , , , , |

Photos on Social Media Platforms

“A photo says a thousand words.” This adage is more relevant than ever with the booming importance of photos on social media platforms and your branding strategy. In fact, the number of words a photo says may be more appropriately translated into the number of ‘likes’ on Facebook and the number ‘retweets’ on Twitter. Photos on social media platforms generate 200% more interaction rate with users and followers. This is our ultimate goal. Interaction, engagement and brand recognition.

2016-10-31T15:37:30-04:00January 16th, 2013|Categories: Social Media|Tags: |

Social Media Research

If you’ve ever attended one of our presentations you know the importance of social media research and you’ve heard us say repeatedly that it is not about the quantity of platforms you are on… it is the quality. When it comes to your online presence it is essential for its quality to be reflective of the quality of your product or service. This means not signing up for Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, LinkedIn, Google +, Instagram and Pinterest, but determining which of these high traffic platforms best suits you and your produt or service.

2016-04-19T10:24:19-04:00January 14th, 2013|Categories: Social Media|Tags: , |

PPC Management

o you have a website that isn’t generating enough traffic as you had originally hoped? Have you tried to promote or research different ways to make your site known better online? At Strategic Media, they specialize in what is called PPC management. PPC is an acronym for “pay-per-click” and what it essentially incorporates is a system that allows your site to be seen well through different means of social advertising.

2016-10-31T15:37:30-04:00December 20th, 2012|Categories: Online Marketing, Pay Per Click|Tags: , |

Know Your Website and Social Media Numbers

We have come to that time of year when we should tally up the score on what we did this year and decide on the numbers we want for next year. Even if you find it painful it’s really something that we all need to do. We can rationalize how unimportant the numbers are but in the end the numbers do tell the tale.

2016-10-31T15:37:30-04:00December 19th, 2012|Categories: Social Media, Web Design|Tags: , |

Social Media and Advertising

When looking at social media and how it’s evolved over the years, people are now connecting to others in ways that never thought it could be possible. If we were to adjust the clocks back 5 years ago, the websites that we know as “the norm” were just starting to get off their feet. Due to advancements in modern technology and the rapid successions of the Internet, websites like MySpace, Bebo, and Friendster were at their peaks.

2016-10-31T15:37:30-04:00November 26th, 2012|Categories: Online Marketing, Social Media|Tags: |
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